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Who is Midwife of the Veils?

The Midwife is she who sits at the feet of Women. She is masterful at staying present with all that arises within and around without judgement or aversion. She provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support with intuitive guidance for the initiate thru the life's ever-cycling stages & thresholds.


The Veil is the luminous hymen that exists betwixt the realms of what is often perceived impossible, a gateway to one of life's points of power.


The Midwife of the Veils is a trained Practical and Primal being who is willing and able to Serve as a conduit in bringing the sacred, respectable, and honorable presence to life's major initiations. This ceremonial presence is so deeply deserved during great transitions. A Midwife of the Veils is a Gateway Guardian that inspires the possible. She holds the ancient memory to collect remnants of soul threads, weaving into wholeness what was already holy, yet forgotten. 

The Training

Midwifing the Veils is an immersive 22 day training in the Priestess Arts, held on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. 


This is not a "retreat", but rather an initiation into what it truly means to be in service- as a Priestess of the Goddess, as a Guardian of the Gateways, and as a Protectress of the Thresholds. 

Through the training, you will learn, receive, and embody tools to attend, witness, support, and bring the Sacred to the 9 major initiatory veils of life.

For 2020 Training Details: CLICK HERE

The Veils

1. Birth

2. Blood

3. Union

4. Marriage

5. Parenting

6. Divorce

7. Sovereignty

8. Death

9. Rebirth

Priestess Arts

Trainings In our Womb Mystery School cover a broad scope of the Priestess Arts. oracular transmissions & ceremonies In Midwifing the Veils Might explore...


  • Childbirth EducationMother & Father Blessing Ceremonies, Parental Sealing Rituals, & Birth Dancing

  • Red Tent Tradition, Blood Mysteries, & Menarche Initiations

  • Hormone Balancing, Womb Wellness, & Holstic Yoni Care

  • Spiritual Intimacy & Sacred Sexuality

  • Sun & Moon Codes

  • Conscious Parenting

  • Nonviolent Communication & Sacred Witnessing

  • Self-Marriage & Self-Cultivation Techniques

  • Intentional Unwinding of Vows & Divorce Rituals

  • Death Doula & Elderly Care

  • Shadow Initiations & Lineage Healing

  • Processional Temple Dance, Shamanic Trance Dance, Embodied Movement, & Kundalini Yoga

  • Elemental Attunement & Embodiment

  • Ceremony Facilitation Education

  • Priestess Etiquette, Ethics, & Social Responsibility

To Life, I offer you Death.

So that you may know Yourself in the end.


To Death, I offer you Life.

So that you may know Yourself again.



Graell Corsini

Devotional Yoga Instructor & Midwife of the Veils

"As we walk the Path of Sacred Living, we naturally face the daily portal of Initiation. As Priestess, may we encourage each other to find our true selves, thru the devotion of bridging our hearts with every threshold, gateway, and veil we are presented with." 


Laura Carmody

Womb Whisperer & Menstrual Empowerment Educator

"Your womb knows the way. You already hold the keys to unlock your unlimited potential of Fierce Feminine Embodiment.  Your womb remembers. Let us relax into this remembrance together."

This transformative immersion is not for meeting your expectations.

It is for revealing your Soul's Song. 
We invite you to drop into unyielding trust,

into the guidance of SHE.

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