Love Letters from 2019

"Mid-Wifing the Veils Training ignited in me a primordial essence of my DNA that is intrinsically connected to the Elements, nature, and the spark of the human spirit held within the womb. The container of sisterhood, ceremony, communal and personal exploration is now a cornerstone to the offerings I bring to the world. The humble leadership of Laura and Graell was a delight to rest and rise into. I am forever changed by the caldron of mythic proportions. With every cell of my being, I truly hope other women hear the call and dance their way to the future circles and trainings held by Laura and Graell. Ready to be shaken free of the gunk, so that your Divine Spirit may Rise in Her Grace."
-Krista Love
"I love the magic that we cultivated. I loved that through everyday there was an openness to create magick, while being fully enveloped in it. I enjoyed dancing together. I was uplifted to receive such crucial information. And I will never forget the way it felt to stand in circle around the sacred fire time and time again. One of my most favorite things I experience , is the rich empowerment of my highest self.
I learned how to hold sister circles and ceremonies. Being a witness to these rites as we all passed through the veils gave me inspiration and courage to continue to hold space for others. And because of this deep remembering , a piece of me has awakened and I am now ready to share the blood mysteries and offer services to other during their transitions through the veils."
-Tree Magda

“It was nothing like I could've ever imagined, because it was absolutely nothing I have ever experienced before.....
The level of synchronicities, the level of magic, the level of authenticity and depth blew me away....
I highly recommend for any sorceress /priestess/witchy witch that wants an upgrade in ritual, earth connection & womb connection... we can never have enough anyway, so please... come!!! You will be amazed !”
-Iulia Sunshine